Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well, long time no post! Tomorrow, tomorrow , I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away! First time in about 2 months I have had a real day off! So looking forward to it. Going to check on Dad and spend time with my hubby! Dad has (like many of us) put on a little weight since confined to a wheellchair and needed a sport coat. We found one at Belk for him and are taking it to him tomorrow. He will be pleased, I am sure.

Hopefully tomorrow the sun will also shine.......the yellow one in the sky!
Glad the real Son shines on me everyday!

Facebook is interesting and seemingly a very popular fad right now especially for the younger set but to me, just a little too open.
I like the blog as it creates a little tighter knit atmosphere!

Oh well, to each his own. That's why we have choices!

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